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Usually available to those industry paints,decrotive paints which use low to intermadiate polarity solvent systems.We recommend HT-A301,HT-A302.The choice of polar activator will depend strongly on the chemistry of the system. It can increase viscosity. Provides better thixotropy. Prevent settling and sagging.

In bitumen paints, we recommend HT-S310 which has low viscosity and high-thixotropy. It can prevent collapsing and sagging.  Provides better atomization during the spraying.


For those paints such as Anti-corrosion paints, container paints, marine paints which use middle to high polarity solvent systems, we recommend HT-A303, HT-A201. These two models is in a leading quality position at increasing viscosity and thickening in lipid or alcohol solvent systems.

If add the bentonite powder directly to the solvent without polar activator. You may use HT-S306、HT-S307、HT-S308、HT-S309.